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Zoned Air Conditioning

Bring Your Holly Springs Home Into the Future

If you're looking for convenience, energy efficiency and comfort you can fine-tune, a zoned air conditioning system is for you! Each "zone" in your home (individual rooms or groups of rooms) run off a separate thermostat, allowing you to set different conditions to suit each zone's needs. Comfort Pro can design a system for your home to your specifications that will eliminate unwanted hot and cold spots, minimize your energy usage and bring an end to family arguments over temperature. Really, what more valuable a benefit could you want?

comfort pro service van parked in shade

Benefits Of A Zoned Air Conditioning System

Unlike traditional air conditioning systems that have a central thermostat that sets the temperature for the entire house, a zoned system breaks the home into zones that are each controlled by their own thermostat. This can be as simple as dividing the home into upstairs and downstairs, or as complex as giving each room in the home its own temperature control. Below are some of the many benefits of a zoned air conditioning system.

  • Energy Efficiency: Since different zones have their own controls, you can adjust the temperature up or down in areas you don't often use to keep the system from having to work as hard. If your HVAC is only worried about cooling or heating a few rooms rather than the entire house, it will eat up a lot less energy - giving you the same comfort with a lower price tag.
  • Increased Lifespan: Nobody wants to go through the hassle of having to replace their HVAC system. But when your unit is hard at work controlling the entire home, it's inevitable that it will wear out. A zoned system doesn't have to work nearly as hard, extending its working life and buying you more headache-free time.
  • Easy to Use: Who wants to have to run downstairs (or up!) to change the temperature? With a zoned system, you won't need to. Combined with smart thermostats, your system can be operated remotely, meaning you can change your bedroom's temperature without leaving the comfort of your bed. Going on vacation but forgot to turn the system down before you left? Even if you're enjoying a rum punch in the Caribbean, as long as you have internet access your HVAC controls are at your fingertips.
  • Family Tranquility: Do you like it chilly in your man cave but your wife likes a little extra heat in the home gym? Now you can both get what you want. A zoned system will allow you to separately set temperatures for each room, meaning temperature arguments will be a thing of the past.

Get In the "Zone" Today!

Interested in learning more about adding a zoned air conditioning system to your Triangle area home? Get with the pros - Comfort Pro, that is. Message us online or call us at 984-345-2556 today!

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